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Linguistic Archaeology of South Asia by Franklin C. Southworth in PDF, DJV, TXT


Linguistic Archaeology of South Asiabrings together linguistic and archaeological evidence of South Asian prehistory. The author depicts and analyses the region, in particular the Indus Valley civilization, its links with neighbouring regions and its implications for social history. Each type of linguistic data is put into its socio-historical context. Consequently, the book is both a description of the unique methodology 'linguistic archaeology' and a treatment of South Asian linguistic data. It will be of interest for scholars and students of linguistics, archaeology, palaeobotany and history., This book brings together linguistic and archaeological evidence of South Asian prehistory. The author depicts and analyses the region, in particular the Indus Valley civilization, its links with neighbouring regions and its implications for social history. Each type of linguistic data is put into its socio-historical context. Consequently, the book is both a description of the unique methodology 'linguistic archaeology'and a treatment of South Asian linguistic data.

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